Jumat, 24 Januari 2014


yes, as the title says, i'm really like, REEAALLLLYYYYYY into debates. don't ask me why but this post is going to be in english,yeaaayyy!!!

don't know what's gotten into me, but i really like debating eventhough i ended up losing. always. but debating is just real fun! idk why most people are afraid of this thing

basically, debating is like... you talked in front, people will ask and challenge you. but the main point in debate is convincing the adjudicators to believe in your statement. that's all. no human massacre or anything you should be afraid of.

but unfortunatelyyyyy, there's still some random people that afraid of debating

"i have no good speaking skill, i can't debate"
"i don't have strong arguments, i' can't debate"
"i dont have 'that' spirits, i can't debate"

what a load of bullshit

okay, you may go shaky and fearful on the first time, but then you will feel the tension and it becomes addicting! that's normal actually. it's really normal

debate is very interesting because you get to feel the tension like... 20 minutes before the debate started. and to be good in debating, you only need to keep up with the updates. no need to practice everytime, but you need to see everything in both sides, good or bad.

besides, for you highschool folks, debating skills will be VERY useful, especially in college. because debate and speaking in front of many peope is very common. so, if you aren't going to shape-up your speaking and debating skills, then when are you going to if it's not now???

and i have a good news for youu, who stay in pekanbaru city, riau, we already estabilished a debate forum where you can expand your debating skills and get to practice your debate. it's PDF! pekanbaru debating federation, for all ages and occupation. invite Dimar on bbm for more info. pin: 76B9CBA3

yeah, that's all for now, tired of typing~~~

Senin, 20 Januari 2014

just some random rant about group assignment

oke,gue udah masuk ke smt 2 di sekolah,dan smt ini gue disodorin 26 SKS!


that means i'm gonna get busierrrr~~~~~

okay,back to the topic, sekarang tuh guru guru sering bangetttt ngasih group assignment. entah apa alesannya rata rata guru ngasih group assignment. yaah, tipical gitu sih, teorinya kita disuruh kerja kelompok,bareng bareng cari bahan, trus presentasi

but the reality showed us a really different thing,folks~

kenyataannya group assignment consept is really berat sebelah,whyy? karna ada peraturan baru yang melarang anak anak asrama pake gadgets, dan populasi anak asrama itu banyak. banget. sooo,not to discriminate them, tapi yaa annoying ajakan kalo mereka itu cuma diem disitu, technically gak bisa ngapa ngapain due to limited access to internet (believe me, internet practically ruled the world!) jadi tugas tugas ngetik, ngeprint, dan cari bahan dilimpahkan ke anak rumahan yang gak tinggal di asrama. yaaa ujung ujungnya juga anak anak asrama gak bakal sempet ngumpul sama kita yang rumahan buat ngerjain atau sekedar nge-check karna tugas yang melimpah plus kerjaan cuci-setrika yang gak bisa ditinggalin. nahhh, pas hari h, gelagepan semua gak nguasain presentasi, pas presentasi semuanya pada baca apa yg ada di buku doanggg, bukannya menjelaskan the way teachers want it to beee

okay, itu baru satu kejadian

nahhh,group assignment concept ini unfairrrr banget buat gue karena...


ujung ujung nya gue juga yang ngejelasin di depan, nah giliran ada yang nanya gaada yang mau tau menau urusan itu karna mereka gatau isinya. mereka gatau isinya karna bukan mereka yang bikin slide nya, GUE YANG BIKIN SLIDE NYAAAA!!! how does that happens? see this illustration:

a: woy tsun, tugas kelompok kita gimana?
gw: mana gue tauu??? tanya yang lain
b: (baru dateng) tsunnnn, lu udah kerjain kan tugas kelompok kitaa?
gw: sompret lu dateng dateng udah nyusahin
a: gimana nih? gw gak bisa ikutan ngerjain, modem gw abis pulsa (excuses, excuses)
b: gw apalagiii, di asrama gak boleh bawa gadget
gw: kapan dikumpul assignmentnya?
a & b: BESOK
gw: ....
a: gimana nih?
b: lu bisa kan?

see? that happens, a lot. that's why i hate this group assignment shit